Sunday, August 12, 2012


So first off, my fish died. His/her name was Bolle which means fatty. We gave it a proper funeral and we laid flowers on its grave.

Now the second part, Beau and I are going on another vacation to Schiermonnikoog which is also a Dutch island. This week we managed to set the tent successfully but just when we had the inner tent finished it started raining so hard! So we threw the outer tent just over the inner tent and went back in the house. 
When it stopped raining we went outside again and finished setting the tent!

1 comment:

  1. hey, i'm so sorry about your fih. i'm like that with mine, they get burried and have a peg with their name stuck in the ground. one of mine, casper, died a couple of weeks ago so my sympathies are with you.
    love laura x
