Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fresh dairy and little deers!

Beau and I went to an ice-cream farm today it's called Labora and the ice-cream tastes amazing! They also had a nice patio and there were animals like that chicken, it was the weirdest chicken ever and it had a brain on it's head haha.
There were also these cute deers and I fed them and they ate from my hand and their lips felt so funny, they didn't bite but they nibbled the grass out my hand!

Day at the beach

I went to the beach with my sister, Beau, mom and dad and it was so nice even though the sun was burning (I have sun-allergy).
I watched my mom getting into the sea and it was pretty scary, the wheels of the wheelchair were super big that she almost floated on the water. But it was so much fun!